Wednesday, May 8, 2013

When we say "Yes"

A few years ago I stepped way out of my comfort zone and said Yes to whatever God had for me beyond my comfortable, cozy life. It wasn't easy...easy would be staying home, watching TV and enjoying the complacency of  my life. Deep down I knew, as a Christian, my life was supposed to be less about me and much, much more about my Father and His business. After all He didn't leave me here to sit back and just enjoy He left all of us here for much more than that.

"If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him."John 12:26

As I stepped out of my comfort zone I prayed and asked God to use me and to break my heart for what breaks His. Little did I know as I prayed that specific prayer, life as I knew it would begin to change forever. Slowly, God would change everything and show me that a life lived for Him is so much better than the life I had been living for myself. God is funny the way He works in our lives...ever so slowly He just begins to give us more and more and more. Then before you even realize it your life is completely different and more full than you could have ever imagined you had time for.  It is amazing to look back on all He has done and see EVERYTHING changed and NOTHING changed!

This new life is so much better filled with unimaginable JOY. Even though the road to JOY has difficulties...God in his mercy and grace laces it with moments of pure joy the difficulties almost disappear. As God is stretching us and molding us into the people He wants us to be, it is painful at times, it's uncomfortable at times but in the end it is so worth all of it...knowing all you do is for His glory. Knowing this makes letting go of "the life YOU had planned" so much sweeter...because you can SEE and now actually FEEL the life He has had planned for you all along.

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands" Isaiah 55:12